
–          1977-1999. Primary Teacher in state-funded primary schools in Alcalá la Real (Jaén)  and Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona).

–          1999-2003. Secondary Teacher of English as a Foreign Language  in state-funded schools in Cornellà de Llobregar and Molins de Rei (Barcelona).-          1992-1993. Associate professor in the English Studies  Department. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

–          1993-2003.  Associate professor in the Departament de didàctica de la llengua i la literatura (UAB)

–          2003-2007. Full time professor in the Departament de didàctica de la llengua i la literatura (UAB). Positions: Professora lectora (2003-2004), Professora agregada (2004-2007).

–          2008 and onwards: Professora Titular d’Universitat (Tenure).

Research groups

–         Principal investigator of the officially recognised ‘Language and Education’ (LED) Research group.

–         Member of  SGR Research Consortium LLETRA  (Llengua, Literatura, Educació, Transferència, Recerca, Acció).

–          Ccoordinator of the CLIL-SI Collaborative Team.

  • Editor

–         Editor of “CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education

In-service teacher education and teacher development:

–          1983 onwards. Appointments by Educational authorities for the design and implementation of In-service Teacher Education Programmes for teachers of English.

–          1997 onwards. Consultancy and teacher-education workshops and lectures on Portfolio Assessment, European Language Portfolio (ELP), and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) all around Spain.

–          2012-2016  Coordinator of the UAB’S English-Medium Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education

–          2009-2014 and 2016 onwards. Coordinator of the Foreign-Language Branch of the UAB’S Master’s Degree on Secondary Education

–           2014 onwards.  Coordinator of the UAB’s Postgraduate Certificate in CLIL.

–           2017 onwards.  Coordinator of the UAB’s Master’s Degree in Teacher Development for Foreign Language Education and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

–           2017 onwards.  Coordinator of “Teacher Development for CLIL” (TD4CLIL) a Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona programme to train teacher educators funded by  the Departament of Education (Generalitat de Catalunya). 

Consultant to the educational  administrations and state-funded organizations:   

–          2001-2002.  Design of the LOCE Curriculum of Foreign languages for compulsory (ESO) and post-compulsory (Batxillerat) secondary education.  Institution: Departament d’Educació.

–          2004-2006. Design of learning tasks for students of Spanish as a foreign language. Institution: Instituto Cervantes.

–          2007-2008. Design of the LOE Curriculum of languages for primary education and compulsory (ESO) and post-compulsory (batxillerat) secondary education. Institution: Departament d’Educació.

–          2007-2008. Report on the promotion of the use of English in university for the sake of internationalization of the academic activity in Catalonia.    Institution: Comissionat d’Universitats.

–          2012-2014. Consultant to the Key Competences Project for foreign languages. Departament d’ensenyament. Generalitat de Catalunya. 

–          2013-2015. Coorditator of the inter-university MIF comission for foreign language pre-service teacher-education. Departament d’Economia i Coneixement.  Generalitat de Catalunya.

Conferences: Organising Committee 

–          2007. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the  I Trobada de Semi-immersió a Catalunya Conference.

–          2008. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the II Trobada de Semi-immersió a Catalunya Conference.

–          2009. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the International TRI-CLIL and III Trobada de Semi-immersió a Catalunya Conferences.

–          2010. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the IV Trobada sobre Semi-immersió a Catalunya Conference.  See outcomes.

–          2011. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the V Trobada sobre AICLE i Semiimmersió a  Catalunya Conference.  See outcomes.

–          2012. Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of  TRICLIL 2012  International Conference.  Better CLIL: ‘More opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education‘.  See website.

–          2019. 


–         See ‘Publications’ tab on this wepage.