Agudelo, S.A. and H. Sala: “Wage setting in Colombian manufacturing industry: the impact of institutional and trade reforms”

Karanassou, M. and H. Sala: “Distributional consequences of capital accumulation, globalisation and financialisation in the US”.

Ordóñez, J., Sala, H. and J.I. Silva: “Real unit labour costs in Eurozone countries: Drivers and clusters”.

Sala, H. and P. Trivín: “The labour share decline: Technical or distributional roots?”.

Sala, H. and P. Trivín: “Structural changes in Spanish labour demand: Does Rodrik’s conjecture hold?”.

Judzik, D. and H. Sala: “The determinants of capital deepening in Japan and the US”.

Sala, H. and J.I. Silva: “Oil prices, employment persistence and shock absorption”.

Karanassou, M. and H. Sala: “What Do We Really Learn From Scatterplots?”.